Well done to everyone who managed to get to the annual photo competition between the Wallasey Amateur Photographic Society (WAPS) and the Birkenhead Photographic Association (BPA). A highlight of the year, with friendly rivalry between both clubs, was made particularly challenging this year due to the chaotic travelling conditions caused by adverse weather conditions. The judge was snowed in and unable to attend. Despite this and some members failing to make it to the venue, the competition went ahead.
At half time the WAPS had the lead by 4 points. Was this to be the year they won back the trophy? Alas it was not to be and for the fifth consecutive year the BPA retained the trophy. Well done to the BPA team, led by Dave Jones. Yet again the scores were close, with the BPA scoring 71 points to the WAPS score of 67. Ian Pickavance won a bottle of wine for the best photo in the competition. Well done Ian. The photo shows the BPA President, Ron Thomas accepting the trophy, with Ian’s winning entry showing on the screen behind.